The God of Gambling

Earth at night was holding in human hands. Earth day. Energy saving concept, Elements of this image furnished by NASA (Earth at night was holding in human hands. Earth day. Energy saving concept, Elements of this image furnished by NASA , ASCII, 119
Since ancient times, people have invoked the God of Gambling before engaging in gambling games and for strength while traveling on journeys.

Hermes, the Greek god of luck and travel, is commonly revered as the patron deity for gamblers. He invented dice and is worshiped as their patron deity.
Hermes was both the god of gambling and messenger for the Olympian gods, which often brought him in contact with mortals. Additionally, Hermes served in many capacities: from protecting roads to inspiring athletes. Among his duties: guarding roads to inspiring athletes. When Giants attacked Mount Olympus he helped defend it alongside his fellow gods and goddesses while inventing fire by rubbing sticks together. According to Greek mythology he was born as son of Zeus and Maia (nymph of Arcadia); later becoming god of thieves and trickery by way of theft from Apollo himself! This led him becoming God of Thievery and Trickery!
Hermes was also revered as the god of boundaries – both physical and figurative. According to Homer’s Hymn to Hermes, Hermes could cross between heaven and earth or even realms as Homer reveals him crossing them effortlessly; according to one story he even brought Eurydice back from Hades after she had been freed by Orpheus!
Hermes was often depicted in early Greek art wearing a loose tunic known as a chiton and wide-brimmed cap known as a hat with wide brim called a cap or wide-brim hat known as a cap or wide-brimmed hat known as a cap or wide-brimmed hat called a cap or wide brimmed hat known as a cap or wide brimmed hat, and sometimes holding onto his famous winged Staff which later transformed into caduceus (staff entwined with serpents). Artwork of Hermes sometimes depicts him in an athlete-esque pose, or as an athlete clasping his hands together in victory stance to his honor! Additionally, Hermes patronised ancient athletic practices such as boxing gymnastics weights measures music performances as well as olive cultivation to name just some examples of his many activities that could be found practiced and his followers engaged in it all!
The Aztecs believed in a variety of deities, one being their gambling god known as Macuilxochitl or Five Flower. He was associated with music, art, games and feasts and could punish those who indulged in too much sensual pleasure by inducing boils, hemorrhoids or venereal disease.
Like Hermes, he was known for being a skilled con artist who could use cunning tricks to win bets. But unlike Hermes, he didn’t take bribes offered him by others; rather he served as protection for travelers and traders and became known for turning snake heads into necklaces as his most famous trick.
Slavic people were some of the earliest converts to Christianity, so their lore hasn’t been as extensively explored as that of Greek or Roman cultures. One thing is evident though – Slavics had many gods; among these was Dazhbog, which represented wealth, generosity, and prosperity – also sometimes known by its nickname “Stritbog.”
Ancient Greeks enjoyed gambling and many of their gods had an affinity for it – Hermes in particular. Not only is he the messenger of the gods and patron of roads and travellers, he also loves games of chance! With his iconic round hat and winged sandals he lives atop Mount Olympus alongside Zeus and other Olympian gods but is known to play tricks on them; sometimes outwitting them.
Nohoilpi was worshipped as the supreme gambler by the Navajo tribe, meaning “the ultimate gambler”. According to legend, Nohoilpi first came to Earth to teach humans how to play games of chance but soon outwitted humanity by winning bet after bet with ease; even taking away houses and families along with them. Outraged at his greed and cruelty from other gods, they gave one mortal man an exclusive talisman that helped him defeat Nohoilpi.
Papa Legba, a voodoo deity associated with gambling and riddles, makes for the perfect patron for gamblers. His mischievous nature makes him ideal for gambling activities – his magic connection to spirits reveals lottery numbers while protecting gamblers against losing their money and helping recover after losses.
Nezha is widely revered as the Chinese god of gambling and mischief, famed for revealing lottery numbers to gamblers and offering winning combinations of cards to people. Additionally, his presence is said to assist people with careers and businesses; for this reason it’s wise to treat him well if you wish for his help in any aspect.
Nezha was sent by the Jade Emperor to Earth to fight demons, yet instead gave birth to a ball of flesh instead of an infant. Believing it to be demon-spawn, his father charged it with his sword and split it apart; thus giving birth to Nezha himself! He soon began talking and walking; later becoming one of China’s great rulers himself!
The Aztecs had a god of gambling called Macuilxochitl, one of five deities who represented excess and indulgence; therefore it makes sense that he would also be associated with gambling. Macuilxochitl was also worshiped as god of dance, flowers, beauty and crops but is sometimes depicted as an angry warrior avenging those he dislikes without apparent cause. Hermes is another god associated with gambling who can be described as crafty yet simultaneously generous; both characteristics make him popular with both groups of religions as well. He represents luck and wealth all at once!
Gefion, in Scandinavian mythology, is the goddess of gambling and fortune. She also plays an important role in ploughing and fertility. Unfortunately, not much is known about Gefion; although she reportedly sees all mankind’s fortunes. Gefion is considered an exceptional judge of character.
Gefion, the patron goddess of virgins and bestowal of good fortune to Denmark. A powerful deity who can both bestow good fortune as well as create havoc, Gefion is known to create islands such as Zealand which later became Copenhagen. She can be very generous but at other times can also be cunning.
Hermes is another god associated with gambling who can often be depicted as a cunning trickster or even an outright fraudster. His ability to outwit other gods for their own gain earned him great praise; as well as creating dice he even used them successfully during many gambling contests.
Nohoilpi is an ancient Navajo legend who symbolizes protection and luck, often worn by gamblers to prevent losses in games of chance. Nohoilpi differs greatly from Greek Hermes as an independent figure who plays tricks quickly – Nohoilpi instead is patient, wise, a master gambler, wearing turquoise to represent his success at gambling games and wearing his symbol to show it to the world.
Hinduism worships Lakshmi as the goddess of wealth, prosperity, beauty, fortune, grace and sovereignty as well as goodness, benevolence and compassion. She is sometimes worshipped along with Vishnu as Lakshmivati; or simply known as Vidya Lakshmi or Goddess of knowledge and wisdom.
She is often depicted as an elegant woman, often depicted sitting or standing atop a lotus flower and holding two lotuses in each hand. Symbolizing purity and self-realization, this goddess is usually accompanied by Kamadhenu her cow, Chantamani her wish-fulfilling gem, and Kalpataru her tree which overflows with fruits and flowers.
Lakshmi first appears in the Rig Veda written around 1000 to 500 BCE and revered as an auspicious goddess by both Buddhists and Jains. Her name comes from her Sanskrit translation as la+aksha+mi meaning good fortune or luck.
Indian culture often associates Lakshmi with dice (aksha), as the game akshata involves throwing dice. Winning in this form requires luck or divine favor from Lakshmi herself to win; she has also long been associated with other forms of gambling such as lotteries and lotteries; many take up gambling after Diwali in hopes it will bring them luck; however, remember that Goddess Lakshmi can be fickle; she won’t bless those who become too greedy or arrogant!