The Complex Psychology of Gambling Disorders

Young devastated businessman losing poker game at casino, gambling addiction
Gambling disorders, like any addiction, can have severe psychological and physical repercussions that affect both body and mind, as well as interfere with family and social relationships.

People suffering from gambling disorder tend to view the activity differently than others do. Psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can provide valuable support in unlearning unhealthy emotions, thoughts and behaviors.
Understanding the Addiction Process
People suffering from gambling disorders have an abnormal drive to seek rewards. When we experience pleasure, such as spending time with loved ones or eating delicious food, our brain releases dopamine. When gambling triggers this surge of dopamine release, it drives us back in. Unfortunately, the pleasure from gambling does not last as long as other activities; thus encouraging further gambling even though it causes detrimental results to family and friends as well as financial strain.
Understanding the progression of gambling disorders is vital to their prevention and treatment. This is particularly relevant considering pathological gambling has now been classified as a behavioral addiction similar to substance addiction in terms of its clinical manifestation, brain origins, comorbidities and physiology. There can be various routes leading to gambling addiction such as trauma history; child abuse; family dynamics/friend groups/personal traits like impulsivity/antisociality as well as lifestyle factors like stress levels.
Identifying Risk Factors
People suffering from pathological gambling experience massive surges of dopamine that produce feelings of pleasure. Over time, this can alter your brain chemistry to such an extent that gambling becomes the primary source of pleasure rather than other healthy activities, leading to compulsive behaviors with potentially dire repercussions in terms of job loss, family relationships or even death.
People who are young, female, or take certain medications (including dopamine agonists used to treat Parkinson’s disease and restless leg syndrome) are at increased risk of problem gambling. Harm-avoidance personality traits like pessimism and shyness have also been associated with problem gambling.
Psychodynamic and group therapies may provide effective relief from gambling disorders, teaching unconscious processes that influence behaviors to be more manageable and how to control them. Other treatment options for gambling disorders may include cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressant medications; additionally, people suffering from gambling disorders frequently exhibit co-occurring conditions like substance abuse, depression or anxiety as well.
Identifying Symptoms
Gambling disorder affects entire families, so early intervention is vitally important. Signs of gambling addiction include lying to family and friends in order to fund your habit, spending more money than you can afford and neglecting other interests in favor of gambling. People suffering from this addiction also tend to develop health issues related to stress and poor sleep quality as a result.
As with drugs and alcohol, people with gambling problems may develop an addiction over time, meaning they require increasing amounts of gambling experiences to achieve the same effects. Over time, withdrawal symptoms will appear if they stop gambling for some time; making it even harder to resist temptation.
Gamblers with gambling problems tend to suffer from co-occurring mental health conditions like depression or anxiety, which can contribute to problems in relationships, work performance and emotions. A therapist can assist them with learning to control their gambling behavior and restore family relations; self-help groups such as Gamblers Anonymous also offer support and therapy services for families affected by someone else’s gambling behaviors.
Gambling disorder can create serious emotional, financial and family difficulties. Additionally, it can contribute to depression, stomach ailments and heart attacks; furthermore it interferes with relationships, work and education – leading to feelings of guilt, shame and despair; they may seek escape by drinking or using drugs; they often feel depressed, anxious and restless as a result of gambling disorder.
People struggling with gambling addiction may feel compelled to gamble even though its consequences can be dire, hiding their problem from others and lying about it. Furthermore, they may rely on others for money while spending beyond what is possible in order to recover what has been lost.
Psychotherapy can provide invaluable relief for people suffering from gambling disorders. A variety of approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), group therapy and psychodynamic therapy may prove helpful; CBT allows people to identify and change negative thought processes that contribute to problematic gambling while group therapy offers moral support from fellow gamers.